Weighing and Measuring Division
The Nickol Bay Sportffishing Club uses the ANSA system of scoring to award points for fish captures. This specifies the scoring system and the fishing tackle that must be used. Details can be found on the ANSA booklet which can be downloaded here , the eligible fish species and fighting facor list for ANSA can also be found in this booklet. Alternately your weigh master can supply you a hard copy of the booklet at one of the club meetings on request.
There are awards for several catergories from 1KG- 10Kg plus line class. also for Champion female anglers, Champion juniors, flyfishing and overall highest point scoring anglers.
To be eligible for points all fish must be of an ANSA eligible species and be calculated at lease 100 points for an adult angler or at least 80 points for a junior.
Fish that are weighed in under legal state fisheries legislation lengths are not eligible for points.
Weighing scales must be calibrated. The Club will accept scales or boga grips that are certified using the club standard calibration weights which can be borrowed on request for club points only. This also applies to fish weighing sacks and scales for larger captures. Fish weighed with calibrated weighing sacks and scales and released in good condition alive are also eligible for capture points. For more details contact the weigh master.
There are 3 main lenghth only Perpetual trophies. These are for the longest thredfin salmon, longest barramundi and the longest mangrove jack caught in the club fishing year. To be eligible for these perpetual trophy claims, the ish must be measured on the clubs standard aluminium measuring ruler which is available on request from the club. Brag matts and the likes are not eligible for these awars however these can be used for other ANSA length only awards.
Tag and Release Division
The club also has a very active and progressive tag and release program. To claim tag and release points, the fish must be of a species as specified on the clubs Tag and Release Eligible Species list. This list can be downloaded at the following link.
Nickol Bay Sportfishing Club Eligible fish species for tagging points and lengths
Tags can be obtained from the tag master and must be submitted witin 1 month of the date of capture to be eligible for points. Regardless once finished all tags and tag cards must be returned to the tag master to ensure accountability and to ensure we continue to obtain new tags. The club is supplied tags from government agencies in good faith for research purposes, also the club has purchased its own tags which are valuable. Please ensure you look after and account for all tags. |